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4~ Spring Equinox, Vibration Principle, & Right Action...

Writer's picture: Mim ~ Mystic PathwaysMim ~ Mystic Pathways

Spring Equinox

The 8 Sabbaths, is an annual cycle of seasonal festivals consisting of the year's solstices and equinoxes and the midpoints (cross quarter days). They are marker points to help remind us we are part of nature, mother earth AND the cosmos. The 7 Universal Principles helps the thinking mind and the intuitive mind ground and create from a more conscious awareness of time, space, dimensions, consequences and how the cosmos works. The Noble Eightfold Path is a practical tool to implement and assist in living a healthier, happier life in the physical/material world of everyday living with a greater innerstanding of how to live your life.

There are many paths on the spiritual healing journey. No one way is wrong and no one is right. Hence Mystic Pathways.

An Initiate's Path has been my practice and will continue to be my practice with deep gratitude and heartfelt thanks for all the teachers, guides and initiates before me, with me and after me.

And So It Begins....

“Sabbaths” -

Also known as the Wheel of the Year, is not only a spiritual practice but a practical practice that connects you back in with nature, earth and the age old cycle of seasons.

The Wheel of the Year is an annual cycle of seasonal festivals, consisting of the year's main solar events and the midpoints between them. Solstices and Equinoxes are the main solar events and the midpoints or cross quarter days are the start of the seasons and begin midway point between the solstices and the equinoxes.

Please note these Sabbaths are relative to living in the southern hemisphere. For the norther hemisphere they need to be swapped.

As this is a natural calendar, the Wheel of the Year does not begin on the 1st January, but rather the beginning of Winter and flows from there. To find the exact date the solstices, equinoxes and cross quarter days will fall on, besides the traditional days, please check this link for details:

"The Kybalion.” -

“The Principles of Truth are Seven; he who knows these, understandingly, possesses the Magic Key before whose touch all the Doors of the Temple fly open” The Kybalion, is a study of the Hermetic Philosophy. “The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of Understanding” – The Kybalion.

Studying and applying the 7 Principles of the Hermetic Philosophy is like comprehending the Universe at a sub atomic level. The Laws behind the Principles help us to walk through life forewarned. It is a guide on how to change at a fundamental level, not just a surface level. The alchemical process of change, the transmutation of matter.

The Seven Hermetic Principles, upon which the entire Hermetic Philosophy is based, are as follows: The Principle of Mentalism, The Principle of Correspondence, The Principle of Vibration, The Principle of Polarity, The Principle of Rhythm, The Principle of Cause and Effect, The Principle of Gender.

“The Noble Eightfold Path” -

The Buddhist Path for the Cessation of Suffering, and the fourth of The Four Noble Truths. The application guide for living a spiritually purposeful life. The Eightfold Path, although referred to as steps on a path, is not meant as a sequential learning process, but as eight aspects of life, all of which are to be integrated in every day life.

The Eightfold path consists of Right View, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, Right Concentration.

September 21st

Spring Equinox / Alban Eilir / Ostara

Vibration Principle

Right Action

This Sabbath:

Spring Equinox / Alban Eilir / Ostara

We have travelled from the deep dark depths of winter when night reigned in power.

We dove into the deep recesses of our minds, hearts and souls to bring up that which needed to see the light of day. We have sat in solitude; we have sung in silence; we have seen all of who we are ready to see.

We have worked the soil and then we rested the soil, we rested our souls and then we began dreaming of the seeds our soul desire to plant.

Now we seek to plant them!

Nurture them!

And tend to the growing creation!

Spring Equinox is traditionally celebrated 21st/22nd September, astrologically though it may occur between 21st & 23rd September. Spring Equinox signals we are at the midway point through Spring. It is the time of equal day and equal night, the balance of light and dark.

As above so below, as within so without, as the universe so the soul!

At this time of equal balance of night and day, we to have the chance to invite balance into our lives. And with the energy of Spring, we too have the opportunity for new growth, fresh starts and new beginnings.

The important awareness to keep in mind is what you nurture, what you focus on, what you give your energy to, will determine the health of that seed you plant now. We can see it in nature when children, adults event, plants or animals are neglected, limited, ignored or traumatised, it effects their growth and health. So be realistic with that which you wish to plant and grow and discipline yourself to care for that which you are planting.

This time is also known to some as Promise ~ the promise of things to come, in the anticipation of the fulfilment of that promise which will occur with the harvest in the Autumn. So keep your promises and you will be rewarded come harvest time.

So, what will you plant that you will reap in months to come? Keep in mind, where focus goes, energy flows, reality grows, results show.

The Kybalion:

The Principle of Vibration

“Nothing rests; everything moves, everything vibrates.” – The Kybalion.

Spring Equinox is the time of planting, actioning, creating… it is also a time of finding balance between the dark and the light.

The Principle of Vibration “explains that the differences between different manifestations of Matter, Energy, Mind, and even Spirit, result largely from varying rates of Vibration.” It reminds us of the importance of manifestation and the coming results of our intents.

“From THE ALL, which is Pure Spirit, down to the grossest for of Matter, all is in vibration – the higher the vibration, the higher the position in the scale. Between these poles, there are millions upon millions of varying degrees of vibration.” – The Kybalion

Understanding this Principle assists in mastering your own mental vibration. Our thoughts, which are our intents, hold a vibration, it has its own frequency.

The thoughts we think, the emotions we feel, the physical sensations we experience, all carry their own frequency and vibration, we then walk ourselves around in, in the middle of that energy bubble. We know the vibration of anger, fear, resentment, bitterness and we can feel how that makes us feel, just as when we are in love, in joy, happiness, creativity, we can feel how that makes us feel. When we think of others, of situations, experiences, memories etc that too provokes a vibration.

So when we think of the future what should we collectively project? When I think of the future what am I hoping for? When you think of the future what do you see?

How adaptable are you at changing your thoughts to a higher frequency? Changing your vibration to one that is more harmonious, uplifting, inspiring or even neutral?

Mastering critical thinking to sow seeds of change... will they perpetuate or create new ways? not just for you but for all of us?

The Noble Eightfold Path:

Right Action

The Buddhist Path for the Cessation of Suffering, and the fourth of The Four Noble Truths. The application guide for living a spiritually purposeful life. The Eightfold Path, although referred to as steps on a path, is not meant as a sequential learning process, but as eight aspects of life, all of which are to be integrated in every day life.

The Eightfold path consists of Right View, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, Right Concentration.

Seeing the 8 Rights as a guiding light along the path to self-mastery. As a tool to remind us to come back into balance, knowing and direction.

Right Action asks us to recognise the need to take an ethical approach in life, to consider others and the world we live in.

This includes not taking what is not given to us, and having respect for the agreements we make both in our private and public lives.

Right Action also encompasses the five precepts which were given by the Buddha, not to kill, steal, lie, to avoid sexual misconduct, and not to take drugs or other intoxicants.

This step on the path also includes a whole approach to the environment, with Right Action being taken whenever possible to safeguard the world for future generations.

Weaving them all together...

Spring Equinox is the time of equal balance of light and dark. The middle point. This time of Ostara reminds us also of new beginnings. For nothing is stagnant including the Wheel of The Year. Soon we will shift out of this balance of equal night and equal day and tip towards the light, and the days will start to get longer and the nights will begin to shorten. Within ourselves, we to will tip to the light, we will tip to the dark and balance ourselves time and time again. The lessons of both the spring and autumn equinox teach us tools of harmony and balance. So change is always afoot. New beginnings always around the corner.

Spring Equinox reminds us of the importance of Vibration, the thoughts the feelings the energy you hold will determine the harvest of the seeds you plant now. How you nurture them, how you feed and water them both literally and figuratively. Where focus goes, energy flows, reality grows, results show.

This then leads us to Right Action, the choices you make in the material realm, which does include your thoughts, not just your deeds.

Find balance within, whenever you feel yourself tipping, don't wait till you are to far gone that you will either hit the ground hard or the struggle to raise yourself. Temper your thoughts, actions and deeds so they align with the seeds your wish to bring life to.


Mim WhiteWind

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