Anam Cara ~ A Book of Celtic Wisdom
"John O'Donohue is an unassuming man with a grand sense of humor... charming."-- Joy Redfield Kwapien, author of "The Celestine Journal"
"This beautifully written book proves that tireless wisdom can bring an amazing understanding about ourselves and the world around us even today."-- Dannion Brinkley author of, "Saved by the Light" and "Peace in the Light"
"Anam Cara" is a radiant source of wisdom, a link between the human and the divine. This work is a blessed, rare gem."-- Larry Dossey, M.D., author of "Be Careful What You Pray For, Prayer Is Good Medicine" and "Healing Words" executive editor
"Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine""A lively spiritual companion to all Celts--or to those who are Celtic in their hearts." -- "Publishers Weekly"
Critic Reviews "Anam Cara is a rare synthesis of philosophy, poetry, and spirituality. This work will have a powerful and life-transforming experience for those who read it." —Deepak Chopra
John O'Donohue, poet, philosopher, and scholar, guides you through the spiritual landscape of the Irish imagination. In Anam Cara, Gaelic for "soul friend," the ancient teachings, stories, and blessings of Celtic wisdom provide such profound insights on the universal themes of friendship, solitude, love, and death as:
Light is generous
The human heart is never completely born
Love as ancient recognition
The body is the angel of the soul
Solitude is luminous
Beauty likes neglected places
The passionate heart never ages
To be natural is to be holy
Silence is the sister of the divine
Death as an invitation to freedom
This was another hidden gem I first read over a decade ago, and immediately fell in love with the way he saw and wrote about the world. Time to reread it again!

Because this booked touched my heart in such a deep way, I included it in my programme 'a spirited life' as one of the essential reading materials. Here is a link to the downloadable version of the programme:
May this book speak to the eternal poet that is your heart.
You can download it via Kindle or you can purchase from any good book store.
Blessings, Mim